Snowland Art


Snowland Art is a small family-style fine art and handicrafts training school that was established by Canadian artist Kristel Ouwehand (Tenzin Dolma) in 2010 in response to a growing need for a centre for young artists to study art in an ethics-based environment.

Due to the tendency for young artists to disregard schooling, many artists are illiterate. Without being able to read the texts, mistakes are common. Snowland Art aims to encourage artists to be concerned more with producing authentic art of quality, out of responsibility and regard for their own culture rather than out of a primary concern for money. The school also teaches anatomy and perspective as well as other related skills and mediums related to Western style art, so that when our students graduate from the 5 year program, they possess a set of skills and ethics that will allow them to thrive and establish themselves in the professional world.


Ásdís Þula, the owner and director of the gallery visited the school on her travels through China in 2017 and was extremely inspired by the work of the school’s founder, Kristel Ouwehand (Tenxin Dolma) and her students. Now Þula is very excited to introduce the people of Iceland to these beautiful works of art and support the school with sales of said works.